With a vast on site experience and a highly recommended industry reputation. Waste Water Solutions is proud to offer customers very competitive prices and specialist advice and solutions to under the budget that suits every one in treating and pumping of sewage and waste water.
Waste Water Solutions is a leader in water and wastewater treatment products, systems and services for industrial and public customers. We offer a wide range of proven product brands and advanced water and wastewater treatment technologies around the globe.
Our water treatment solutions range from membrane filtration systems to treat and desalinate water and media filtration and clarification systems to UV and ozone systems to disinfect water and analytical instruments to measure, monitor and test the quality of water.
We are leading environmental solution providers, specialising in the installation, servicing and commissioning of sewage and waste water treatment plants. Providing the right solutions first time every time to all environmental and drainage issues throughout the UK.
Our expert installation and commissioning team work closely with our customers to provide a full trouble free service from design & installation to commissioning and servicing. Rest assured all treatment plants supplied, installed and maintained by us will comply fully with the consent to discharge standards issued by the environment agency.
Specialising in the collection, management and disposal of all liquid wastes, ranging from domestic & industrial sewage to industrial food waste and oils.
Accredited and recommended by all the leading manufacturers Our installation team will work to any limits, and meet all deadlines
We now offer:
SUPPLY ONLY – Any size and model plant supplied and delivered to site
SUPPLY AND COMMISSION – Any size and model plant supplied and delivered to site upon completion of installation by other we will send one of our fully trained and qualified engineers to carry out commissioning of the new plant.